Planning a party...that sounds kinda hard...wait. EUROPE?! I went there this past summer and---now THIS will be COOL! 
My group chose London...didn't ask me about that...
...after my project turned individual I realized that I didn't want to do London.

Details of my Project:

I got sick for a couple weeks and couldn't work on it...

Used Google Chrome to translate websites in foreign languages...!

Soon I ended up doing it in Rome, one place we visited!

I searched a ton, but I couldn't find many prices except for decorations and consumables, so my parents tried to help with some of the research. Even so, we didn't find much.

I sent inquiries to 21 places for venues and entertainment, but I didn't get any responses in my email. 

I was working a lot every day...

 But I did get a lot done. 

...turns out I'm better at the Cornu than I expected!

Anyway, I had to go through a lot of trouble, languages, websites, Google searches, and more...I did my best to complete it!
1/5/2013 02:02:49 am

I know how hard you worked, Nathan, and I'm very impressed with your project. I'm so glad you got to connect it to our trip last summer, even if the language was still kind of tough to figure out. Your website looks fantastico!

Emma Grindstaff
2/26/2013 11:57:33 pm

Hey Nathan,

I love you website, it's really cooool


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