This is Nathan. Please leave a comment if you have any questions or concerns, and I will reply as soon as possible. 
1/4/2013 03:31:20 am

Nathan, your website is amazing! The graphics, transitions, and proposal are all wonderful! It looks like you took a lot of time and effort on this project and I am very proud of you. I cannot wait to hear what your instrument sounds like. The picture I saw already has impressed if you can play a tune :) Great job Nathan!

C&M Evans
1/5/2013 05:54:11 am

Nathan, what a fascinating project! You must have done a lot of research to find out all those facts, and then you presented all the details with clarity using your drawings, pictures from the internet, and even graphs. The links were easy for us to follow and learn more. One day we'd like to hear that cool instrument you made.


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